A free e-book guide to great, free e-books: science fiction, humor, satire, romance, pulp, gothic, nonfiction, and classics.
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You know how when you first got your e-reader you were excited about all the great public domain books you were going to read, only to find that your e-reader's book-finding process helped you to the titles of the first 100 or so most popular freebies and then sorta stopped? Me, too.
Aunt Lee's Library -- the free e-book -- is a good start to solving that dilemma. Here is curated content for you: reviews of 77 public domain e-books, including science fiction, humor, satire, romance, pulp, gothic, nonfiction, and classics. I selected them by obsessively cross-checking "greatest books ever" lists with lists of books in the public domain. Then I sought out book reviews from online reviewers from all over the world, obtained re-print permission, and Aunt Lee's Library is the result.
Download the free e-book and start reading the reviews. When you've chosen an e-book, click on the search link, which takes you to a meta-search engine that searches only the best of the free e-book sites. Just start typing in the book title -- auto-suggest has been pre-coded to do the work for you.
When you are assigning extra reading to high school or college level students, just assign "any five books from Aunt Lee's Library" -- as I said, each book on the list was on a legitimate "best books" list, and each book is absolutely free.
Let's combine traditional literacy with digital literacy and start realizing the genuine potential of the e-reader.
Subscribe to me on Twitter: auntleeonbooks, for continuing info about this and future volumes of Aunt Lee's Library.