

Ramona was immensely popular almost immediately upon its release in 1884, with more than 15,000 copies sold in the ten months before Jackson's death in 1885. One year after her death, the North American Review called it "unquestionably the best novel yet produced by an American woman" and named it, along with Uncle Tom's Cabin, one of two most ethical novels of the 19th century. Sixty years after its publication, 600,000 copies had been sold. There have been over 300 reissues to date and the book has never been out of print.


Wikipedia contributors. "Ramona." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 31 Jul. 2012. Web. 14 Aug. 2012.


A picturesque, sympathetic picture of Spanish and Indian life in southern California and a passionate appeal for justice to the red man. "One of the most artisic creations of American literature." -- Atlantic Monthly

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