
Class Details --- E-mail me 

  • I bring CD's with Gamemaker software, all the resources for the class, and detailed lesson plans.

  • The class is slightly harder than the introductory class. In this class, kids will create a simple game from scratch, learning to import sprites and sounds and to do some actual object-oriented programming.

  • In the game, a monster of their choosing bounces off walls, and the player scores points by catching it. Younger kids can create the standard game, and older kids can add some more complex stuff.

  • Kids can save their game as an executable file that will play on any computer.

  • Takehome: Kids get to take the CD's home with them and continue working with Gamemaker at home.


What You Need to Provide:

  • Headphones are really good to have for this class, because choosing the sounds for the game is a lot of the fun.
  • For kids to be able to take their creations home with them, they'd need a floppy drive, a CD burner, or the ability to email the file home.

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